Monday, September 8, 2008

Non Scrap/Stamp Related.....

I desided NOT to post any Cards or Pages today instead I would post about one of the other 2 Hobbies I enjoy! This one I just recently took interest in....... HAIRBOW MAKING!!

Even though Halloween is MANY weeks away, I have been in the Halloween mood lately! It is my favorite Holiday after all !!

Anyway, Here is the bow I accomplished today..It's called a "Loopy Bow"! I am not sure I am very satisfied with it and I really should be a lil easier on myself considering this is only 5th bow I have ever made!

I have been wanted to try a cpl other bows (Korkers, Loopy surround a bow,etc) But I got to get some thicker ribbons first! YIKES!!

Be sure to leave a comment and LMK what YOU think?!

Thanks for stopping by and Have a Wonderful Night!


Anonymous said...

hi - i love your bow!!! i hope that you post more - i don't have any girls to buy for - but if i did i'd buy your bows!! pretty!!

Shannon said...

I like this bow! How are you??? Keep up the bow making---great job!