I have been Tagged by My Near and Dear GF Beverly aka Precious Scraps
Make sure to check out her blog!
Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Facts about me:
1-My Husband and I have been together 6 yrs and Married 4.
2- I LOVE RollerCoasters! (must the the hydrenalyn rush they give)
3- I worked in a Nursing home as a Nurse Aid for 3.5 yrs before I had kids and became a SAHM
4- I got my 1st Tattoo when I was 16 and now have 5!
5- So far I have lived in FL, WVa, OH, Germany, TN and KY!
6- I got to visit the FAMOUS Neuschweinstein Castle in Germany!!
7- My Hobbies are: Scrapboooking, Altering, Candle Making and Hairbows!
Ok Now you got to hear my SUPER(not so) exciting facts.......Consider yourself TAGGED!
Because really I dont even have 7 Loyal Bloggers to Tag! LMBO
Well we have a 4 day weekend so we're Headed HOME aka OHIO to visit Family and Celebrate Madison's 4th B-Day at Chuck E Cheese !!! Better get going and Pack up!! And who Knows.... maybe when I come back i'll have some kinda Project to post! HeHe
Have a Blessed Weekend!!
4 years ago
Thanks for playing along. But where are all the juicy details ?? Have a great trip and don't forget my popcorn !
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